Joel Shank

Joel Shank
Joel has been employed at RRHA since 1998. As Vice-President of Operations, he is responsible for leadership and oversight of RRHA’s renovations, redevelopment, and modernization activities. In addition to 20 years of experience in the construction industry, Joel has held positions at RRHA including Construction Inspector and Capital Improvements Director.
Joel has responsibility for oversight of construction projects including modernization of public housing, low-income housing tax credit properties, new construction, and redevelopment. He is also responsible for HUD Capital Fund Grant annual and 5-year planning and budget administration.
Joel provides management oversight of RRHA’s procurement processes to ensure fair and open competition, the equitable treatment of all bidders, adherence to regulations, and selection of the best value with the greatest overall benefit to the agency. He holds certifications at the National Development Council, Nan McKay and Associates, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, and Borrell Technology, Inc.