Application Form for Contractors and Vendors

All interested businesses shall be given the opportunity to be included on contractor or vendor solicitation lists. RRHA shall not preclude potential bidders or offerors from qualifying during the solicitation period.

To be considered for future solicitations complete the Contractor/Vendor Application Form below. Provide your name, company name, company address, phone number, fax number, and email address. Describe ownership status if company qualifies as a Small Business Enterprise, Women-Owned Business, Minority-Owned Business (SWaM), or as a Service-Disabled Veteran Business. Submit Self-Certification if company is a Section 3 Business Concern.

Provide information regarding the types of services that your company provides and the types of work for which you are interested in submitting bids, quotations or proposals.

Your company’s information will be forwarded to all RRHA departments that may purchase the type of services or materials that your company offers.

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Any questions regarding submission of application are to be directed to:

Wanda Green
Executive Assistant Operations Division

City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority
2624 Salem Turnpike, NW, Roanoke, VA 24017

Phone: (540) 983-9202